Search Results
"America’s Oil: A History of Foreign Dependence" by Jay Hakes
1970s Energy Crisis: Presidential Policies And Energy Economics Featuring Jay Hakes
Jay Hakes: Declaring Energy Independence
Author Program: Jay Hakes- Energy Crises: Nixon, Ford, Carter and Hard Choices in the 1970s
Energy Crises: Nixon, Ford, Carter, and the Hard Choices in the 1970s
"Climate Change Science: A Political History" by Jay Hakes
Jay Hakes - A Declaration of Energy Independence - 10/06/08
Jay Hakes: "Declaration of Energy Independence" (1 of 6)
Jay Hakes: "Energy Independence & the Election" (1 of 3)
Energy Historian talks government and the new IPCC report
Keynote: Jay Hakes on Revolutions in Energy Technology
Foreign Oil Dependence